岩盤之應力影響規模常受節理傾角、勁度等因素之影響,而具有異向性分佈特徵,其間各影響因子影響權重重要程度與相互關聯 不易予以量化。本研究透過FLAC程式大量分析各種影響異向性岩盤應力分佈規模之因素,並借由SAS軟體進行各影響因素間之對應分析以量化釐清各影響因素之影響程度與相互關聯。 The stress distribution of jointed rock mass is highly anisotropic. This distribution behavior is mainly depended upon the factors of joint stifihess, joint spacing and dip angle. Evaluating the influence degree of these factors and their relationship is usually difficult. This paper aims to perform a series of parameter study using FLAC software and quantifY the degree of stress influenced volume by these factors using correspondence analysis.
九十六年電子計算機於土木水利工程應用研討會論文集=Proceedings of 2007 Conference on Computer Application in civil & Hydraulic Engineering,頁769-774