本研究係以臺灣的高中歷史與公民教科書,與大陸現行中學思想政治、歷史、與中小學語文科教科書中有提到「兩岸關係」(或臺灣)的內容進行分析。主要目的是希望知道兩岸中學生現行學校教育中,對「對岸」的描述與重點是什麼?根據研究發現,兩岸教科書對「兩岸關係」歷史發展敘述平淡;對「對方」現狀的描述嚴重不足;對國際力量評價不一;大陸的教科書很「愛臺灣」; 臺灣在兩岸關係上的優勢未被提及;兩岸教科書在解釋兩岸關係方面尚無法呈顯其複雜性。 This study is to review textbooks of both China and Taiwan to compare what do they learn about cross strait relation today? According to our findings, textbooks of both sides do not have active description of cross strait history after 1949; have poor description about present situation of counterparty; have valued differently on international influences; do not have enough explanation of the complicated situation of cross strait relation. China showed passion on Taiwan, but Taiwan neglect its own predominance.