過去在工業用水比重尚低的年代,工業用水以自行取用地下水為主,隨著工業發展及地下水開採受到嚴格管制,越來越多工廠傾向由自來水系統供水。由於自來水系統主要供應生活飲用水使用,其所供應水質高於許多工廠可正常生產及運作下之水質,越多工廠共用自來水系統,水資源整體利用效率可謂越低。本文主要探討台灣工業用水現況與問題,並參酌國外經驗及國內環境,綜合評估水源、水質及最適規模等,提出推動工業與生活用水管線分離之策略建議。 In the past, groundwater was a major resource of industries in Taiwan. With the development of industries and highly restricted of extracting groundwater, more and more industrial water are supplied from public supply systems. Public supply system supplies water with higher quality than some product development process demands for satisfying drinking and domestic use. Low water use efficiency with the more industrial water supplied from public supply system. This paper reviews industrial water use problems, assess raw water sources, water quality demands and economic scale refer to abroad experience and domestic industrial development present situation and proposes the planning strategies.