本計畫是以五氧化二磷(P/sub 2/O/sub 5/)與含羥基之單體或寡聚合物形成含磷酸之自由基硬化型化合物;分別以2-羥基乙基甲基丙烯酸酯(2-HEMA)與P/sub 2/O/sub 5/反應,生成含丙烯酸酯基之磷酸酯單體(HEMAPOH),再以此單體與自由基硬化型環氧樹脂(Uv-epoxy)以加熱或照光的方式進行自由基架橋反應;另一配方則是以含壓克力基之環氧樹脂與五氧化二磷反應,生成含磷酸自由基硬化型環氧樹脂;第三種配方則是以HEMAPOH與環氧樹脂行開環反應,生成含P-OH(P在主鏈上)的自由基硬化型環氧樹脂。上述合成之單體或寡聚合物的探討,分別以/sup 1/H-NMR、/sup 13/C-NMR、/sup 31/P-NMR及FT-IR等光譜鑑定;以TGA來探討聚合物塗膜的熱性質,以膠含量及吸水和吸溶劑率來測試聚合物的物理性質。而在防蝕測試方面,是以5%的食鹽水,將已塗膜配方的鐵片浸泡其中,並記錄鐵片的鏽蝕狀況;並以電化學阻抗頻譜(Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, EIS)來鑑定。此種經自由基硬化含磷酸之環氧樹脂塗膜與金屬表面的密著度極強,塗膜的耐候性、耐水性、耐溶劑性均有相當大的改善。本文以自由基硬化之環氧樹脂當做底漆,沒有溶劑排放汙染的困擾,所有的配方均成為塗膜的一部分;同時在常溫下,可與金屬表面形成兼具優良密著度與防蝕雙重功能的磷酸鹽膜;是屬節省能源、又具環保經濟的新型塗料。 The thesis is based on corrosion protection by organic coatings. To synthesize the phosphorus-containing monomer (HEMAPOH) is the first step. The reactants are 2-hydroxyl ethyl mathacrylate (2-HEMA) and phosphorus pentoxide (P/sub 2/O/sub 5/), and the product is the phosphorus-containing monomer (HEMAPOH). Then, next step is to prepare the uv-curable epoxy resin. The epoxy prepolymer and acrylic acid are the starting materials for preparation of uv-curable epoxy resin. And next, there are three methods to prepare the coatings. The first is that the phosphorus-containing monomer (HEMAPOH) reacts with the epoxy prepolymer (the -OH groups on the HEMAPOH attacks to the epoxy rings on the epoxy prepolymer). The second is that uv-curable epoxy resin reacts with the phosphorus pentoxide. And the last is that the use of the uv light to cure the mixture of phosphorus-containing monomer and uv-curable epoxy resin. FT-IR, /sup 1/H-NMR, /sup 13/C-NMR and /sup 31/P-NMR is used to confirm the phosphorus-containing monomers. The thermal property of organic thin films are determined by the TGA(thermogravimetric analysis). Other physical properties, such as gel content, solvent swollen and water absorption, are also determined by suitable methods. The salt-fog test or electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) is used for the corrosion protection test.