岩石破裂之音射源位置與岩石材料內部缺陷之自然分佈有關,每一音射位置意味著該處材料產生微裂隙,因此藉由岩石材料的音射源位置發展可間接了解岩石內部的微觀特性。此種破裂看似雜亂無章,事實上仍舊可借助碎形理論尋找其自然現象規則。本研究以碎形理論中的叢集維度來解釋岩石破裂之音射源位置分佈,由於叢集維度可以反應音射源之相對疏密形況,故可由叢集維度值的變化瞭解岩石內部之破裂過程。 The micro-fracture initiation of rock material is dependent upon the defect distribution of rock minerals. The acoustic emission accompanied with the micro-crack is usually employed to detect the fracture behavior of rock. The cluster dimension of fractal theory is capable of responding the concentration degree of points in nature. This paper aims to investigate the evolution of acoustic emission locations and rock fracture behavior using the cluster dimension. The acoustic emission distribution of a rock under compression will express by the cluster dimension.
2002年岩盤工程研討會論文集=Proceedings of 2002 Taiwan Rock Engineering Symposium