簡介:淡江大學大眾傳播學系創立於西元1983年8月, 至今已逾二十餘年。多年來,本系以小而美之精緻創新教學著稱,為淡江大學重點發展系所之一。本系致力培育符合數位時代之專業傳播人才,並且積極發展多元專業特色,充分結合相關資源,以拓展傳播教育之創新領域,教學目標採理論與實務並重,引導學生思考並結合社會脈動。碩士班於西元1995年成立,其特色在於培養兼具傳播領域知識,以及傳播產業技能之全方位高階傳播人才,課程設計包含新聞廣電、公關廣告、行銷、多媒體內容產製等專業知識之養成,尤其著重跨領域整合與應用的訓練。 Established in 1983, the Department of Mass Communication was based on already existing broad liberal arts programs within the College of Liberal Arts at Tamkang University, and it was devised for training future media and communication professionals. Undergraduate students enrolled in the Department of Mass Communication will be granted the Bachelor of Arts degree in the College of Liberal Arts by fulfilling all academic requirements. Our Master-level graduate program in Communication was launched in 1995 based on the core faculty members within the Department of Mass Communication. A wide spectrum of curriculum covers areas including News-Editorial Journalism, TV, Radio, & Films, Advertising, Public Relations, Speech Communication, and Information Technologies provide our graduates with the technical training as well as theoretical knowledge to practice professional works in the mass communication career.