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    題名: 東日本大震災後における日本の電力供給
    其他題名: 東日本大地震後之日本電力供給研究
    Study of the use of electricity in Japan after the great Tohoku Earthquake and tsunami
    作者: 林庭禎;Lin, Ting-Chen
    貢獻者: 淡江大學日本語文學系碩士班
    馬耀輝;Ma, Yaw-Huei
    關鍵詞: 東日本大地震;福島第一核能發電廠事故;廢核;再生能源;電力供給;Great Tohoku Earthquake and Tsunami;Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster;Nuclear power phase-out;renewable energy;Power supply;東日本大震災;福島第一原子力発電所事故;脱原発;再生可能エネルギー
    日期: 2013
    上傳時間: 2014-01-23 13:15:05 (UTC+8)
    摘要:   日本於2011年3月發生東日本大地震,伴隨而來的海嘯引發了福島第一核能發電廠的核災事故,使得日本陷入了電力供給不足的危機。
    The occurrence of the Tohoku Earthquake in Japan in March, 2011, accompanied by the tsunami it caused, had resulted in the disaster of Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant, which made Japan suffer from short supply of power.
    Before the Earthquake, nuclear power took 23% of electricity generated nationwide and was considered highly-efficient and safe. However, the aftermath of the Earthquake had caused great anxiety of Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant’s radiation leak. In response to such panic, Japanese authority ordered all nuclear reactors to be closed, and used fossil-fuel plant to make up the electricity in short.
    As waves of public opinion arise among Japanese society, demanding to put nuclear power to an end, the government proposed 3 plans for people to choose from, to end nuclear power completely, to lower the proportion of it to 15%, to 20%~25%, respectively. Meanwhile, people and corporations had once again put their attention to renewable resources, which are cleaner and more sustainable. On the other hand, the tasks of developing renewable resources had become more important than ever, including the higher cost, the environmental limitation, and applicability of such new technology under current policy.
    To conclude all above, the author will begin with the research of power supply’s condition in Japan within 2 years of the catastrophe with an aim to explore the applicability of renewable resources and other related study in Japan, and to offer a view of the importance of stable supply of energy when discussing about issues of electricity supply in the country henceforth.
    顯示於類別:[日本語文學系暨研究所 ] 學位論文


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