摘要: | 為維護捷運系統運行順暢及維持良好之乘車秩序,以提供旅客一個優質之乘車環境,於大眾捷運法立法之初,即參考歐、美、日本及新加坡等國之立法先例,於大眾捷運法中明訂相關罰則,即大眾捷運法第50條及第50條之1,以規範旅客乘車行為,包括:禁食區內禁止飲食、進出車站須經正常驗票程序、不得影響車門關閉或擅自開啟、禁止站區內從事商業行為,及禁止任意操控或妨礙行車、電力或安全系統設備之正常運作等事項,上述規定,亦轉載於旅客定型化契約內,即旅客須知,並公告張貼於各捷運車站之明顯處所,方便過往旅客閱讀及遵守。自1997年7月1日至2012年4月30日取締2萬4,066件,取締金額約新臺幣4,025萬,多年來,在捷運警察隊及臺北捷運公司全體同仁之努力下,大幅提昇了旅客乘車品質,捷運相關禁止規定更融入一般市井小民生活習慣中,成為其生活經驗中,不可或缺的一部分,因此創造捷運今日優質之乘車環境,形成大臺北都會區之新文化、新價值,進而形塑臺北捷運世界一流之國際新形象,其成功要素除了臺北捷運公司面對各項挑戰時,不斷地進行內部組織變革及外部之積極創新其經營模式外,同時不斷接受及回應社會各界批評與指教,並將其內化成企業文化中之一部分,故在與旅客共同協力下,營造出都市新文化,打造一個有秩序、健康環保及節能減碳之國際城市。 To maintain good order and smooth operation of Taipei Metro and ensure that it can provide a high quality service to passengers, reference was made to similar regulations used in European countries, the United States, Japan and Singapore when drawing up the penalty standards for the Mass Rapid Transport Act. These standards are listed under Article 50 and Article 50-1 of the Act, and are intended to regulate passenger behavior. Penalties apply to the following: eating and drinking within the paid area of the metro system; use of improper methods to enter and exit stations; intentionally obstructing train doors from closing, or unauthorized opening of train doors; unauthorized commercial activity within Taipei Metro premises; tampering with station or train facilities; and hindering the normal operation of trains, and the power or security systems. The above penalty standards are incorporated into the standardized contract for passengers, and the relevant sections of the regulations are bulletined at all metro stations to enable passengers to have easy access to the regulations. Between July 1, 1997 and April 30, 2012, there were 24,066 cases of passengers violating the regulations, with penalties totaling NT$40.25 million. We believe that these penalties effectively restrain passengers from violating regulations, significantly enhancing the metro environment and directing passenger behavior toward better practices and new values, to burnish Taipei Metro's image as a transport system of the highest international standard. |