台灣與大陸簽訂MOU與ECFA之後將降低雙邊關稅與排除商業障礙。然而各方面對於簽訂MOU與ECFA究竟是好或壞,現階段仍看法分歧。在此支持與反對看法渾沌不明之情況下,台灣與大陸簽訂MOU與ECFA之後對台灣壽險業是好是壞更是霧裡看花眾說紛紜。透過德菲法與分析層級法之應用,本研究之目的在於確認所有簽訂MOU與ECFA之後可能產生之影響項目,並衡量正面與反面看法孰重孰輕;各影響項目之權重為何,如此即可得知台灣與大陸簽訂MOU與ECFA之後對台灣壽險業所產生之效益與風險。 After Taiwan and mainland China signing the MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) and ECFA (Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement), tariffs and commercial barriers are going to reduce between two sides. Unfortunately, there is currently much controversy in Taiwan over the MOU and the ECFA. Taiwanese officials have described these new deals are thought to be structured to benefit Taiwan. However, the opponents believe the MOU and the ECFA will result to put Taiwan at risk. In this context, both the MOU and the ECFA do benefit life insurance industry in Taiwan or not is also ambiguous. Thus, the purpose of this study is, by employing Delphi procedures and AHP methods, to identify the effects to the life insurance industry of Taiwan after both the MOU and the ECFA coming into effect; also evaluate their degree of risk and benefit. The significances of this study are insight of analysis into the effects of both the MOU and the ECFA which provide to life insurance companies to plan their business strategies accordingly.
保險經營與制度=Insurance Issues and Practices 10(1),頁49-77