政府創新是受到什麼因素的影響而產生?哪些條件的地方政府比較會有創新的力道?這問題在我國過去的政府創新研究當中,從未在實證資料的支持下被有系統地回答。本研究先透過文獻的整理,建構出可能影響政府創新產生的因素,提出影響政府創新的架構模型;再以新聞資料庫的搜尋,建立出我國地方政府1999-2010年間的創新個案資料庫;最後,以地方政府為分析單位,創新數量為依變數,運用結合橫斷面與縱貫面的資料分析,探討什麼因素影響地方創新的產生。結果發現,過去12年之間,我國地方政府的創新總共有695個,而這些創新大多集中在台北市、台北縣與高雄市。模型分析結果則顯示,影響創新量的因素則包含公務人員的教育程度、組織因素中的財政支出與資源寬鬆度、以及環境因素中的比鄰縣市創新量。本研究的結果,在實務上,將提供各政府提升政府創新能量的政策建議,在學術上,本研究將提供建構完整政府創新發展模型的重要基礎。 Why have some local governments initiated more innovative policies than others? Since government innovation is increasingly seen as the key to governing efficiently and effectively in difficult economic times, this question has drawn considerable interest for many decades in the field of public administration. Nonetheless, most prior studies focus only on either a single case of innovation or on modeling the diffusion or adoption of innovation; very few studies have looked at the factors affecting the capacity and frequency of innovation initiation in the public sector. Through an analysis of seven hundred innovation cases (i.e., instances when a local government did something that had never before been done by other local governments in Taiwan) that were initiated by Taiwan's local governments from 1999 to 2010, this paper attempts to model the factors influencing local government's capacity for innovation. The findings of this paper will hopefully enhance our understanding of the innovation-initiation causal model for academics, while providing strategies for improving the capacity of policy innovation for practitioners.
東吳政治學報=Soochow Journal of Political Science 31(1),頁105-160