本文從都市規劃的宏觀視野,來重新審視如何保存、活化淡水古蹟群的議題。文內作者提出「點.面.線」之見解:淡水街區的每處古蹟與各種新舊建築可視為單一的「點」;這些「點」都「面」對著觀音山,這項事實形成淡水獨特的地點感;而歷史脈絡與網絡般的巷弄則構成了路線、發展的軸線。作者並分就「點」「面」「線」三種層級,提出活化文資空間的具體建議。 With a macro perspective on urban planning, this article Is to examine the issues of preservation and enhancement of Tamsui's monuments. The author innovatively uses the concept of “point, facing and line” to explain his idea of cultural heritage conservation and revitalization in Tamsui. According to the author, on Tamsui's streets, each monument, new building and old house can be regarded as a point and all those points create a plane facing Guanyln Mountain. Such a landscape shapes Tamsui's locality. At the same time, the historical context and the lane and alley networks create a track of development. By introducing the concept of “point, facing and line”, the author suggests strategies of cultural heritage conservation and revitalization.