二維全非線性時間域數值模型被用以模擬浮體在流場中運動時,常常因為計算區域邊界有限,導致反射波現象之產生,以致於影響各項性能之數值分析結果的準確度。為了避免因有限計算區域邊界造成的反射波現象,計算區域必須為無限大,以達到所謂"無邊界"的要求。本論文在邊界設定上使用一種所謂"MovingWindow"之數值分析技巧,將能量有效的傳遞出計算邊界,以避免幅射波在邊界的反射現象。 When 2-D fully nonlinear radiation problems are solved in time domainto simulating the motions of floating bodies, wave reflectionphenomena may be caused due to limited computational domains. Thiswill make the results of simulation distorted. The phenomena can beavoided by using an unlimited computational domain to satisfy the farfield boundary condition. A "Moving Window" numerical technique isapplied in this work to transmit wave energy out of the computationaldomain, so that the wave reflection problem is then resolved.