本論文之目的,在於改良具有左右搖擺(Roll )、前後搖擺( Pitch) 、旋轉(Yaw) 等三個自由度之電動伺服馬達運動平台,透過電腦的控制、達到各自由度之運動,包括機構改良與模糊控制器設計,最後以實作方式完成系統測試及實驗。 研究的內容,包括機構安全性的改進,防止意外的發生;建立圖形化界面,方便操作者使用;增加輸入裝置,以搖桿(Joystick) 為位置控制的輸入裝置,使機械的操作更具人性化;在控制器方面,設計可調整P值與D值的PD控制器,另外設計一個模糊控制器,供操作者選擇不同的控制方式。 最後,將PD控制器設定不同的P值與D值,與模糊控制器的結果作比較,以系統的上升時間(tr) 、安定時間(ts) 與穩態誤差(ess ) 作為指標,對兩者進行優劣比較與討論。 The purpose of this thesis is to improve a 30 electrical motion platfonn for virtual reality (VR) training system.The developed electrical motion platfonn includes three degrees of freedom in rolling, pitching and yawing that are controlled by servomotors. The experimental set up includes the servo motor unit, computer control system,platfonn mechanism and GUI (Graphical User Interface).There are two kinds of controller in this system. One is the PO controller and another is the fuzzy controller. The experimental results of these two controllers are compared and discussed based on their rise time(tr),settlingtime(ts) and steady-state error(ess).