简介:本系大學部創立於民國55年,迄今已歷四十餘寒暑,為臺灣最北之歷史學系。創系主任由梁任公高足周培智86學年度,在周宗賢主任三年積極奔走下,得以奉准成立碩士班,次年招生。93學年度,劉增泉主任策劃成立碩士在職專班,於次年招生 。惟96學年度,碩士在職專班在黃繁光主任建請下,校方於即日起停招。 The Department was founded in 1966. Today, we maintain a worldwide reputation for teaching and research excellence and impressive track record of producing successful graduates who can make their mark in the professional world. The Department conducts programmes of study at both undergraduate(1966) and graduate(1998) levels. Besides, we’ll enrol on-the-job students in 2005. In the aspects of applied hardware as well as software, we toward to ‘classic information’ in the future.