岩體在應力作用下會因應力集中而造成中細微裂縫破壞,因此欲瞭解岩體之強度時,有必要探討岩體中裂縫之破裂機制。本研究就岩體中含共線非連續裂縫之破裂機制進行研究,首先以石膏為岩石模擬材料,製作含各型配置之預製裂縫試體,進行一系列之單軸壓縮試驗,以觀察裂縫破裂機制之變化,並對裂縫周圍應力分佈進行理論分析。 The fracture mechanism of cracks in rocks is an essential issue realize strength of rocks. This research is divided into two aspect: physical model experiment and theoretical analysis to explore the fractures mechanism of collinear crack rocks. In this research, plaster was selected as the material presenting rocks. Samples were made in the size of 30crnx30crnx5cm and contained various racks, then a serious of uni-axialload tests were processed. Through arranging the compound types of pre-made cracks, the conditions of fracture of cracks can be observed. In addition, the theoretical analysis of stresses distribution of under loading cracks could verify the fracture mechanism of the cracks.
第七屆大地工程學術研究討論會論文集(第二冊)=Proceedings of the seventh conference on current researches in geotechnical emgomeeromg in Taiwan,頁1049-1056