Introduction: 淡江大學電機工程學系成立於民國60年,設立之初名為「淡江大學電子工程學系」,82年更名為「淡江大學電機工程學系」,並且成立「電機工程研究所」,83年正式招收碩士班學生,86年招收博士班學生,89年招收碩士在職專班學生,96年招收機器人工程碩士班學生,目前本系是一系二所的規模;為加強本系教學特色於民國98年大學部分三組(電子資訊組、電子通訊組及電機與系統組)招生。本系教學目標為培養電腦、電子電機及機器人等相關領域之優秀人才,並為工商界及學術界重用。創系以來已有五千多名系友,系友們無論在工商界或各學術研究機構,皆能發揮所學。99學年度起電機工程學系碩士班「通訊系統組」更名為「通訊與電波組」。 Established in 1971 as the Department of Electronics Engineering and renamed as the current name in 1993, the Department offers both regular and evening classes for undergraduate students. Graduate programs for Master and Ph.D. degrees were respectively commenced in 1994 and 1997. A Graduate Program of Robotics Engineering in Master degree was established in the Department in 2007. Specialized research areas include: microwave communication, signal processing, pattern recognition, neuro-fuzzy systems, automatic control and power systems, VLSI design and electrical circuit systems, computer engineering, semiconductor devices and optical fiber communication systems, wireless communication systems, Next generation communication systems, Mobility computation, Non-linear and dynamic controls.