Introduction: 本系創設於民國61年,是國內民間大學中成立最早之航空工程系,歷屆系友已有兩千餘人,77學年度起奉准每年招收雙班學生120人,85學年度起由航空工程改名為航空太空工程學系並同時成立研究所。本系發展重點為氣動力學、飛行安全分析、熱流燃燒、材料與結構力學、自動控制與導航、太空力學、航管及旋翼機理論等,教育之目標係在培養我國航太工業發展各階段所需之具獨立思考、研究之專業人才。 The Department of Aerospace Engineering was founded in 1972 - the first one of its kinds among universities in Taiwan. Today, there are more than 2,000 alumni, who are now working in a variety of fields. The teaching objective of this department is to prepare students who are capable of flight vehicle design and manufacturing that can meet the needs of aerospace development in Taiwan. Our department not only offers traditional courses such as aerodynamics, structures and material, combustion and propulsion, etc., but also provides optional courses like helicopter theory, flight safety, air traffic control, quality assurance etc.