Taipei : Institute of electrical and electronics engineers (IEEE)
The research of autonomous robots is one of the most important issues in recent years. In the numerous robot researches, the humanoid robot soccer competition is very popular. The robot soccer players rely on their vision systems very heavily when they are in the unpredictable and dynamic environments. This paper proposes a simple and fast real-time object recognition system for the RoboCup soccer humanoid league rules ofthe 2009 competition. This vision system can help the robot to collect various environment information as the terminal data to finish the functions ofrobot localization, robot tactic, barrier avoiding,..., etc. It can decrease the computing efforts by using our proposed approach, Adaptive Resolution Method (ARM), to recognize the critical objects in the contest field by
object features which can be obtained easily. The experimental results indicate that the proposed approach can increase the real time and accurate recognition efficiency.
Proceedings of the 2009 joint conferences on pervasive computing, pp.209-214