現有公路公共客運市場管制架構不僅難以達成「戶到戶」無縫運輸的目的,更因此衍生諸多服務、營運於監理之問題。本研究根據現有市場管制架構檢討公路/市區汽車客運市場面臨的重大課題,包括因行業分類造成中小型都市市區內交通的服務缺口與不公平競爭、國道客運違規營運、運輸縫隙彌補的無效率與未符合新五都之地區運輸發展策略等。並參考國外客運市場管制經驗,研擬修訂市場管制架構,提出以服務路網暨市場作為申請核准營運主體的概念,改善過去以單一營運路線為管制單元所造成的服務切割,期能提供旅客更優質的公共運輸服務。此外,相關的管制內容,包括管轄權歸屬、行業分類、設置公共轉運站與市場進出管制數量等,亦納入管制架構的討論與建議。 According to existing market regulation framework for highway/urban passenger transportation, operators find it hard to provide door-to-door and
seamless transportation services. This study discusses several important issues in highway/urban passenger transportation markets, which include service gaps within medium/small towns, unfair competition, and illegal operations in freeway intercity service, and inefficient measures for seamless transport. Based on lessons of market regulation, learned from other countries, this study proposes a revised market regulation framework. Integrated transport network, instead of single route in past regulation, is used as an application unit for concession in the revised framework. In addition , the jurisdiction of concession, industry classification, building public terminals, and entry control are also discussed in this study.