本研究主要探討品牌利益對品牌關係的影響及品牌關係對忠誠度的影響,並以產品涉入作為干擾變數。本文採用問卷調查,將回收488份問卷進行實證分析結果發現:(1)功能性利益及情感性利益會正面的影響品牌關係品質;(2)情感性利益愈高,愈會形成自主性的品牌關係型態;(3)品牌關係品質會正面的影響行為忠誠度和態度忠誠度;(4)自主性的品牌關係型態,其態度忠誠度會顯著高於非自主性的品牌關係型態,但在行為忠誠度上則無顯著差異;(5)由品牌關係品質與自主傾向所構成的不同的品牌關係型態,其行為忠誠度和態度忠誠度存在顯著差異;(6)產品涉入程度會對品牌利益與品牌關係品質間產生部份的干擾效果。This study uses the thought of relationship marketing, combining Fournier's brand relationship theory, trying to probe into the cause and effect of the brand relationship. The study uses questionnaires to investigate the actual users of the toothpaste, mobile phones, and cars. Total of 488 effective questionnaires were returned. The results of the research are summarized as follow: (1) Functional benefit and affective benefit will influence brand relationship quality positively. (2) Affective benefit will contribute to voluntary brand relationship type. (3) Brand relationship quality will influence behavioral loyalty and attitudinal loyalty positively. (4) Voluntary brand relationship type will have better attitudinal loyalty than non-voluntary brand relationship type, but the behavioral loyalty is not significant. (5) Brand relationship quality and trend of voluntary will constitute different brand relationship types, and brand relationship types impact significantly on both behavioral loyalty and attitudinal loyalty. (6) Product involvement could strengthen the impact of brand benefit on brand relationship quality.