無可諱言,韓國是琨今世界上人口快速老化國家之一,據統計資料推估,2018年韓國老年人口比重將高達總人口14%,正式邁入高齡社會(aged society)。茲爲因應日益嚴重人口老化問題,韓團政府於1999年著手研擬長期照顧保險制度,其問經多次檢討修正與模擬試辦後,遂於2007年4月2 日正式完成「老人長期療養保險法」之立法,並於2008年7月1日正式實施。本文先針對韓圓推動長期照顧保險之背景及其制度本身之特性予以介紹,同時對於韓國、日本兩國長期照顧保險制度予以比較,最後提出韓國長期照顧保險制度未來可能面臨之重要課題,俾供爲我國未來建構長期照顧制度時之參酌。
Korea is one of the fastest aging countries in the world. By 2018, it will have a significant senior population of 14%. To satisfy the needs of the increasing number of seniors requiring long term care, the Korean Government since July 2008 has provided public long-term care insurance.
Through this study, we have clarified some of the characteristics of this insurance scheme in Korea. We also conducted a comparative analysis to explain the differences between the Korean and Japanese schemes. Finally, the paper offers some thoughts and suggestions about how the Korean government might create a better scheme in the future.