論文題要內容: 越來越多的金控公司加入競爭激烈的保險產業金融市場,然而各家保險業者所販售的產品同質性又是相當的高,要如何做出差異化來提升自我的競爭優勢,變突顯出「品牌」的重要性。台灣在2009年人壽保險的普及率已經超越美國,普及率更是達到204.84%,因此在這競爭激烈的市場當中,出生率下降、保險使用率提高的情況下,保險產業要如何提高消費者的購買意願正是本研究動機。本研究以便利抽樣的方式針對F人壽大台北地區的保戶做問卷的調查,共發出600份,有效樣本為414份。並以敘述統計分析、Pearson相關分析以及迴歸分析,探討品牌形象、企業形象、產品形象以及使用者形象對於消費者購買意願有正向的影響。 經由實證分析得出以下結論: 一、企業形象、產品形象以及使用者形象皆對於消費者購買意願有正向影響。 二、產品形象影響消費者購買意願最大;其次,分別為企業形象及使用者形象。 三、整體品牌形象對於消費者購買意願有正向影響。 四、企業形象、產品形象以及使用者形象對於消費者購買意願影響均具有預測力。 基於以上的研究結果,本研究建議,企業形象、產品形象以及使用者形象均需提升以提高消費者的購買意願;然而在面臨無法同時進行企業形象、產品形象以及使用者形象提升的決策時,可以首先從產品形象的提升來提高消費者的購買意願。 Abstract: Many of the finance holding corporation has invested into insurance industry due to the highly competitive capital financial market. Nonetheless, these companies provided the similar services for the public that is hardly to interpret the differences between each firm. It is necessary to appreciate the consumer as well as increasing the advantage of the firm itself. According an investigation report in 2009 that Taiwan has the highly 204.84% insurance demand rating than USA. With the decreasing birth rate and the speed growth of the insurance industry has decreased the profit rate of the insurance market. This is a significant impact to all aspects of the insurance company to challenge with and face increased from more customers. So, how the problem can to be solved? The financial market is getting competitive intensely that finance holding companys join the insurance company is very popularized. Additionally, they sell similar goods. Because of this, how to making finance holding company’s differenced goods and promote consumer’s purchasing intention and competition advantage.The study aimed to explore the effect of brand image on the consumer’s purchasing intention. Surveys were undertaken from F Insurance Company. The questionaires were released to each region including the Taipei City and New Taipei City. In this study, 600 questionnaires were issued and valid 414 were returned.The descriptive statistical analysis、multiple regression analysis and Pearson correlation analysis were used to analyze the data included brand image , corporate image, image of product and image of user. The results of the study included: 1.To consumers’ purchase intention, the corporate image, image of product and image of user image showed the significant effect. 2.To consumers’ purchase intention, the image of product is the most important effect than corporate image and image of user. 3.To consumers’ purchase intention, the entire brand images and consumers’ purchase intention showed significant effect. 4.All of corporate image, image of product and image of user can effectively predict the consumers’ purchase intention. The study provided the following suggestions based on the above findings: 1.All of corporate image, image of product and image of user are the critical effects are enhanced to promoting the consumer’s purchase intention. 2.Facing strategic effective factor choices, the image of product is considered of the most importance to promoting consumers’ purchase intention.