本研究針對臺北市公辦民營托兒所共計4所,每所2位,利用半結構式訪談大綱,訪談8位女性教保人員,以瞭解其自我效能感,研究結果描述如下。 一、臺北市公辦民營托兒所對教保人員自我效能感之影響:公辦民營托兒所的行政體制對教保工作影響不大,所長的領導能力對教保人員影響較大;公辦民營托兒所設有行政組,可減輕工作量。 二、教保人員自我效能感現況:(一)自我能力的評估:教學時遇到困境,會先尋求同班人員協助;輔導幼兒時遇到困境,會先觀察幼兒再尋求協助;教保人員在處理家庭和社會大眾對幼兒產生的負面影響,亦都表示其具體的做法。(二)自我效能感之影響因素:求學階段的經驗以幼教理論和實習影響最大;執行教保工作時主要受到幼兒、家長的影響最大;社會階層低和家長不配合皆是擔任教保人員的阻力。(三)受自我效能感影響之後續行動:教保人員多用示範、引導、鼓勵以促進幼兒正向學習。 三、臺北市公辦民營托兒所教保人員增進自我效能感之策略:專業成長進修以及同儕學習。 本研究根據研究結果,提出具體建議,以供相關單位作參考。 This study interviewed a total of 8 preschool teachers, with 2 from each of the 4 privately managed public preschools the researcher visited. This study used a semi-structured interview protocol to understand preschool teachers’ self-efficacy. The findings of this study are as follows. 1. Impact of privately managed public preschools on teachers’ self-efficacy: The administrative structure of privately managed public preschools does not have much influence on teachers’ work, instead the headmasters’ ability to lead has more influence; privately managed public preschools generally have administrative units that reduce teachers’ workload. 2. Privately managed public preschool teachers’ self-efficacy: (A) Self assessment: when preschool teachers encounter teaching difficulties, they first seek assistance from teacher in the same class; when teahers encounter difficulties counseling children, they first observe and then seek help. When dealing with negative impacts from family and the community, teachers also express their specific practices. (B) Factors affecting self-efficacy: The greatest influence on teachers during their years of study before entering the field are childhood education theories and internship experiences; the greatest influence on teachers during their actual practice are the children and parents; low social class and parents’ resistance to cooperate are the greatest negative forces. (C) Effects of teachers’ self-efficacy: Teachers use demonstration, guidance, and encouragement to promote positive children leaning experiences. 3. Strategies used by privately managed public preschool teachers to ehnace self-efficacy: Teachers seek professional development and peer leanring. Recommendations for preschool teachers, privately managed public preschools, and future researchers are provided based on the research findings.