摘要: | 本研究旨在探討親職化經驗教師對其師生關係之型塑與影響。而選取研究參與者的方式乃是採取立意取樣中的深度抽樣期能尋找到典型,能提供豐富資訊,且能充分代表本研究現象的研究參與者加入本研究。本研究透過半結構式的深度訪談方法,共訪談五位受訪者,獲得五份文本資料,並根據主題分析法進行文本分析,經過「整體-部分-整體」的詮釋循環,以及與受訪者達到互為主體的同意之後,一同探究出親職化經驗教師對其師生關係之型塑與影響,而最後研究結果分析出三個主題,依序為:(1)孝親文化,引領我孝行(2)家庭之情,伴我行(3)家庭滋養照顧心,萌芽關懷學生情 而經由本研究的之探討,希望能夠協助親職化經驗者更加了解原生家庭對自己在師生關係中的影響,並且協助其看見親職化經驗多元的樣貌,與對自我的意義。另外也期待能透過本研究提昇親職化教師對家庭、學生困境的因應與調整能力。 而研究者依據研究問題,整理出研究結果如下: 1.華人孝道與長子女文化根植於親職化經驗者信念中,能增進家庭親密關係,也可能帶來束縛犧牲感受。 2.家庭「公平互惠」與否的情感經驗,受到三個向度所影響:家庭是否提供穩定且支持的環境、照顧行為是否獲得回饋,及自我與父母需求間能否達成動態平衡 3.家庭「公平互惠」情感經驗,決定「高親密低涉入」、「高親密高涉入」傾向親職化其人我關係樣貌。其中,「高親密低涉入」傾向親職化經驗者擁有「妳好,我也好」的情感經驗,並有著正向的自我概念且人我關係界域較清楚且彈性。而「高親密高涉入」傾向親職化經驗者較易處在「我不好,你好」情感經驗中,不穩定或低自我概念狀態,且人我關係界域模糊、僵化。 4.童年家庭照顧經驗,使其在師生關係中擁有關懷照顧、敏感學生需求,以及身教實踐能力。並重視學生社會適應能力,對他人負責任態度,與強調做中學之實踐教育。 5. 「高親密低涉入」傾向親職化擁有正向的自我概念,加上人我關係擁有「我好,妳也好」的情感經驗,與關係界域清楚且彈性,在師生關係中擁有好的調適能力。相對的,「高親密高涉入」傾向的親職化經驗者其擁有較不穩定的自我功能,加上人我關係容易陷入「我不好,妳好」的情感經驗,與關係界域僵化與糾結,在師生關係中擁有較不好的調適能力。 The purpose of this research was to explore the parentification of teachers and their impact on the formation of teacher-student relationship. With purposive sampling, the researchers tried to find typical, informative, as well as representative participants.With semi-structured in-depth interview, the researcher interviewed five interviewees followed by thematic analysis for text analysis. Hoping that this research would help the interviewees gain more realization of their original families’ influence on teacher-student relationship, the researcher found three themes through the analysis: 1.the Chinese filial piety, 2. the fair family reciprocity that breeds parentified belief, as well as 3. the fair family reciprocity that breeds concern for students. Through this research, the researcher hopes to assist participants who experience parentifieication gain more understanding on how their original family influence their teacher-student relationship, see the multi-dimensions of parentification experience, as well as the significance of it. Furthermore, the researcher hopes to improve the parentified teachers with their ability to cope with their family and students’ difficulties. The researcher found that: 1. While the culture of Chinese filial piety and first-born-child is deeply rooted in parentified interviewees, it helps bond families at the same time it breeds a sense of sacrifice. 2. Whether the interviewees experienced “fair reciprocity” depends on three factors: whether the family provides a stable and supportive environment, whether the caring behavior obtains feedback, and whether a dynamic balance of the need between the interviewee and the parents exists. 3. Whether the interviewee processes a high close and low Intrusive or low high close and low Intrusive parentification tendency , depends on the “fair reciprocity” emotional experience in the family. a. Interviewees with high close and low Intrusive parentification tendency experience a “I’m OK, You’re OK” emotion. They maintain a positive self-concept and a flexible as well as clear self-other relationship boundary. b. Interviewees with high close and high Intrusive parentification tendency experience a “I’m not OK, You’re OK” emotion. They maintain unstable or even low self-concept, as well as a blur and rigid self-other relationship boundary. 4. The caring experence in the interviewees’ childhood family, allows them to be attentive to their students, be sensitive to their needs, while also teaching them by example. These interviewees emphasize on their students’ social adaptive abilities and their conscientiousness. 5. Interviewees with high close and low Intrusive parentification tendency maintain positive self-concept, along with the emotion experience of “I’m OK, You’re OK” , they possess a flexible as well as clear self-other relationship boundary. Therefore, they have the highest adaptive ability in the teacher-student relationship. Whereas interviewees with high close and high Intrusive parentification tendency maintain unstable self-concept and the inclination of “I’m not OK, You’re OK” emotion experience, therefore, they experience rigid and blurry relationship boundaries. Consequently, they have the lowest adaptive ability in the teacher-student relationship. |