近年歐盟各會員國因人口結構改變,造成勞力短缺、高技術勞工短缺的情況。加上「知識經濟」發展趨勢,使歐盟與會員國不得不重視高技術勞工短缺的問題。過去部分會員國都曾引進外籍勞工解決戰後勞力短缺,但石油危機後對外籍勞工皆採取限制性的政策,相關移民政策的發展也趨於停滯。 德國直到近年才針對移民政策進行改革,制定有關高技術移民勞工的政策。由保守到開放的過程,也正代表歐盟的發展歷程。 分析目前歐盟地區的第三國移民,高技術勞工所占數量相較傳統移民國家明顯趨於少數,即肇因於會員國保守的移民政策。就歐盟層次而言,歷經阿姆斯特丹條約、里斯本條約,歐盟已具備發展「共同移民政策」之權限,其中有關「合法移民」更明確規定於歐洲聯盟運作條約第79條中。 為使歐盟對高技術移民勞工更具吸引力,並發展共同移民政策,針對高技術移民的「歐盟藍卡」於2009年通過、2011年為轉換立法之期限。象徵歐盟吸引高技術移民的企圖心,以及歐盟邁向共同移民政策的第一步。 In recent years, due to population structural changes in European Union (EU), there has been labour shortage and also shortage of highly skilled workers. Additionally, development of “knowledge-based economy” has also forced EU and member states to face its labour shortage of highly skilled workers. Due Oil Crisis and restricted immigration regulation in past years, immigrants from non-EU members are relatively lower percentage of highly skilled workers. Until recent years, Germany has carried reformation on its immigration policy and created attraction to highly skilled workers to Germany. Germany’s pathway is from conservatism to liberalization also similar to EU’s development of immigration affairs. After Treaty of Amsterdam, Treaty of Lisbon, EU already acquires jurisdiction to development "common immigration policy", moreover, regarding "legal migration" are clearly defined in section 79 of the Treaty on Functioning of the European Union (TFEU). In order to attract more highly skilled workers and developing common immigration policy, EU passed "EU Blue Card" in 2009, Member States shall transpose its provision into national law by June, 2011. It symbolized EU''s ambition to attract highly skilled workers and also the first step to build common immigration policy in EU.