摘要: | 政府宣布解除戒嚴,不僅開啟兩岸交流亦促進兩岸人民的通婚,加上老兵滯留在大陸前配偶團聚的問題,政府制定臺灣地區與大陸地區人民關係條例以為規範,由於通婚人數的快速成長,衍生大陸配偶來臺人流管理問題,而人權議題隨著民主意識的高漲,歷經兩岸「試溫探索」、「緩進改善」與「和平穩健」等三階段的過程,對大陸配偶來臺相關權益問題,針對兩岸人民關係條例進行了多次的增刪修法,期能兼顧人民福祉與國家安全雙贏的局面。
本研究主題發現如下:(一)馬政府執政後相關大陸配偶權益政策的定位(二)大陸配偶參政權與身分權的爭議(三)尊重與融合大陸配偶的心態調整(四)落實大陸配偶相關政策法令之宣導(五)保證人具保制度影響大陸配偶權益(六)管制手段仍須嚴格。研究建議:(一) 建立兩岸婚姻制度的衡平性(二)簡化大陸配偶具保制度(三)放寬大陸配偶參政權(四)落實家戶訪查簡化面談手續。 After the Government announced the lifting of martial law, the event not only opens cross-strait exchanges, but also promotes cross-strait marriage. With the issue of reunion of ex-spouses of veterans remaining in the Mainland Area, the Government enacted Act Governing Relations between the People of the Taiwan Area and The Mainland Area. The rapid growth of cross-strait marriages has caused the problem of personnel flow management of Mainland spouses in Taiwan. In addition, human rights issues have gained much attention with rising democratic consciousness. After the two sides have experienced the phases of "testing the water," "slow improvement" and "stable peace", the rights of Mainland spouses in Taiwan have been taken account of, and many amendments have been made to the Act Governing Relations between the People of the Taiwan Area and The Mainland Area, hoping to protect the welfare of the people as well as the national security.
The focus of this thesis is on the examination of fulfillment of Ma administration’s political promises, such as "new immigrants who settle down in Taiwan are real Taiwanese", "prohibition of discrimination against new immigrants," "abolition of financial proof to seek for marriage immigration, naturalization and permanent residency", "protection of marriage immigrants’ labor and social rights", "marriage immigration inspections, deportation and asylum processes should be legitimate" and "promotion of multiculturalism," as well as the examination of gradual amendments of Act Governing Relations between the People of the Taiwan Area and The Mainland Area. Furthermore, the Government signed the "International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights" and the "International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights" in 2009, directing the immigration policy more in line with international human rights standards, as well as leading the Government towards the goal of "respecting human rights of migrants."
Historical methods research is adopted in this thesis, such as document analysis, in-depth interviews and comparative analysis. Reference materials of government agencies, periodicals, academic monographs, newspapers, magazines and Internet information, and collection of the world''s immigration system on marriage are analyzed, and the description and comparison of the amendments of laws and regulations concerning the rights and interests of Mainland spouses before and after President Ma took office. Meanwhile, after amending the law concerning the rights and the interests of Mainland spouses, Mainland spouses, Taiwanese spouses, families of Taiwanese spouses, social workers and law enforcement officers, and experts and scholars are selected to conduct in-depth interviews. Statistical analysis is conducted from the results of interviews in order to understand their feelings and future needs toward the amendments of the laws and regulations. The conclusions of this research are proposed based on these interviews as well as reflections and suggestions.
The study provides several results: (1) Ma administration took office related to the positioning of the mainland policy interests of the spouse (2) the controversy of Mainland spouses’ identity and suffrage (3) attitude adjustment of respecting and integration of Mainland spouses (4) advocacy of implementing the relevant policies and regulations of Mainland spouses (5) effects of warrantor system to the rights of Mainland spouses (6) strict control must be implemented. The study suggests: (1) the establishment of an equitable system of cross-strait marriages (2) to simplify the warrantor system of Mainland spouses (3) The relaxation of Mainland spouses’ suffrage (4) to simplify the interview procedures with the implementation of household inquiries. |