摘要: | 20008年1月1日起實施之《中華人民共和國勞動合同法》,不僅對大陸整體投資環境造成巨大影響,也直接衝擊眾多大陸臺商,此法頒行後,其影響可謂既深且遠,對於企業界、勞動者及全球經貿分工及後續發展都可能產生重大改變。大陸過去被各國投資者譽為「世界工廠」,被傳統產業視為低廉勞動成本之生產天堂,恐因此法實施成為歷史名詞。在大陸經營之公司在《勞動合同法》實施後之因應方式包括:增加獎勵、改善福利制度、精簡人力、轉型或擴充產品線等。而模具產業面對『勞動合同法』之實施,對於產業產生全面性之衝擊與影響勢不可避免。模具產業值此勞動者權利意識高漲、大陸政府保護勞動者力道加強之際,理應全盤瞭解新法,妥善利用其利處並迴避其不利處,避免額外支出,以持續保持營利,因此,本研究將試圖瞭解《勞動合同法》之 法律意涵,瞭解該法對模具產業之影響層面,並分析該影響層面,進而提出適切之建議,以做為在大陸經營模具業之參考方向。 在研究過程中,發現《勞動合同法》之實施,有著其試圖展現轉變產業型態決心、淘汰不良公司、且對勞力密集性產業影響甚钜、無固定期限合同並非「鐵飯碗」、職工傷害支出成本對公司影響式微等隱藏意涵。爰此,本論文亦針對本次研究發現,對於如何吸引模具產業返台投資,提出政策建議,以供施政參考。 此外,《勞動合同法》實施後,公司企業必須改變以往對勞動者之管理模式以及態度,認真審慎思考勞動關係之合諧建立,且對各勞動關係之處理細節,更應慎重為之,不可輕忽。 The Labor Contract Law of the People’s Republic of China, implementing from 2008, not only impacts the investment environment enormously, but also strikes against businessmen from Taiwan directly. It may give a great change to the business community, laborers, and the diversion and development of international economy and trade. The PRC ,regarded as the production heaven with low labor cost, is honored as “WOULD’S FACTORY” by investors. But the reputation is considered to be a historical noun because of the implementation the law. The company in the PRC reacts to the impact with methods like raising rewards, improving welfare systems, simplifying manpower, reforming, expanding production line etc. Mold industry could not reduce the impact as well. When the conscious of laborer right rises and the PRC government makes more and more effort on protecting laborers, they should utterly comprehend the new law to take advantage of it, avoid being the inferiority. Therefore, this research tries to analyze the law to understand how and what it can affect the mold industry. Furthermore, it gives appropriate propositions to the mold industry in PRC. In the research, we find that the law has hidden meanings as follow: Helping the industry to show their determination of reforming and to knock defective company out.Giving great impact on labor-intensive industry.Open-ended employment contracts are not suitable for the livelong secure job.The cost of staff-injury medical treatment is irrelevant to the company little by little.For those reasons, the study gives some policy suggestions on how to attract mold industries turn to invest in Taiwan. In addition, after the law implemented, companies should alter the management pattern and attitude which they used to treat the laborers, deliberate about establish harmony between labor and capital. Coping with the labor-capital relationship needs great efforts. And as the law comes into being, the capital must pay heed to it. |