漢字是世界上非常特殊的文字符號系統,它兼具形、音、義三者,不同於拼音文字僅於記音、義之功能,且文字象形的部分更是中國文化最具有創意的一種想像,漢字一路衍生過來,經歷各朝代的一些改變,這些改變都是具有朝代的想像力和創造力的,其實這就是一種文化創意了,所以文化創意並不是當代才有的東西,而如今在這文化創意產業發展興起的年代,如何將漢字與文化產業做結合,使發揮的更淋漓盡致,是值得去探究與分析。 本論文題目「臺灣文化創意產業發展之研究―以漢字節為例」,主要針對「漢字」為主要方面的文化創意產業發展之研究,以第二章「文化創意產業」和第三章「漢字語言文化」作為基礎理論,相關文獻探討。接著,第四章以「臺北漢字文化節」、「高雄好漢玩字節」、「兩岸漢字藝術節」的活動內容,作為案例分析。最後,第五章為全文總結與建議。期望,藉此整理分析出「臺灣漢字文化創意產業」目前的優劣處與未來努力發展的方向。 漢字不僅能帶動國家產業的發展,漢字本身蘊涵的文化特色與藝術性,更能與生活密切結合,漢字文化是臺灣的一大特色,有其獨特性,期盼有朝一日能將漢字文化推向於國際化,將臺灣打造成漢字創意商品王國。 The Chinese characters belong to an exclusive linguistic system which encompasses morph, sound, and meaning and differs from the Ping-yin system which only marks sound and meaning. Moreover, the hieroglyphic part is the most innovative and imaginative facet of Chinese culture. The Chinese characters have come a long way and been under dramatic evolutions. Those changes reflect the contemporary innovation and creativeness and are actually cultural creativeness in their own right. Therefore, cultural creativeness is not temporary product. The present study aims to explore and analyze how the Chinese characters and cultural industry can be intertwined in this time when cultural industry is on the rise.
The present study, “A Study on the Development of Taiwan Cultural Creative Industries―Take the Chinese Character Festival as an Example”, focuses on the culture-innovation industrial development of Chinese characters. Chapter II, “Cultural Creative Industry” and Chapter III, “The Culture of Chinese Characters”serve as fundamental theories. The next chapter draws three public activities, “Chinese Character Festival of Taipei"、“The Delight of Chinese Character Festival of Kaohsiung"、“Chinese Character Art Festival of Taiwan and China"as case analyses. Finally, there are some conclusions and suggestions made in Chapter V. It is hoped that this paper has sorted and analyzed the pros and cons of the cultural creative industry of Chinese characters.
Chinese characters not only can stimulate our nation’s industrial development, but also bring us closer due to their cultural uniqueness and artistry. Chinese characters are one of the important features of Taiwan, and it is anticipated that they can be promulgated worldwide which would pave the way for Taiwan with its creative products.