摘要: | 【研究背景與問題】隨著網際網路技術的成熟與應用的普及化,推動各項 e 化服務(如線上申辦服務)已是許多電子化政府之發展趨勢,但是在這一股蓬勃發展的 e 化服務潮流中,仍有許多民眾在經過體驗後便不再繼續使用。因此,要如何吸引並留住民眾再繼續使用電子化政府服務,乃是現在政府機關在提供線上公共服務時所必須要正視的議題。再者,任何一項資訊科技服務或資訊系統之實行其最後是否會成功,乃是取決於使用者的持續使用而非初次採用。有鑒於此,本研究認為現在政府應當考慮到民眾對於電子化政府所提供的 e 化服務之使用感受,並瞭解他們會願意繼續使用該服務之影響因素。職是之故,本研究主要研究問題有二:(1)當民眾完成特定網路申辦項目後,影響其持續使用線上申辦服務意向之關鍵因素有哪些?(2)而這些影響因素當中,又有哪些關鍵因素是會影響民眾對於線上申辦系統之使用滿意度? 【模型觀點與研究方法】在過去有關電子化政府服務或資訊系統的持續意向研究當中,大多是將重點放在新增構念之研究變數上,來延伸以資訊系統持續使用模型為基礎的相關研究,反而忽略了應整合其他理論或模型之觀點,來廣泛性地解釋使用者的持續使用意向。因此,本研究乃利用資訊系統持續使用模型作為建構本模型之基礎,並結合科技接受模型、延伸期望確認模型、以及網站服務品質評估模型之重要概念作為建構本模型之材料,從使用者觀點角度出發,整合資訊科技之特性與線上網站之屬性,據以建構出一套以民眾使用者為導向的持續使用意向之整合模型。在研究方法上,本研究採用問卷調查法,以桃園縣線上申辦整合系統與臺北市民 e 點通之使用者作為研究對象進行調查,並運用統計套裝軟體 SPSS 將問卷資料進行分析。 【研究發現與意涵】問卷資料在經過多元迴歸分析與中介效果分析之檢測下,可獲得下列重要發現與意涵:第一,影響民眾持續使用線上申辦服務意向之關鍵因素,按其影響程度高低分別為:「使用者滿意度」、「網站服務品質」、以及「科技特性」,其中「使用者滿意度」在本模型中具有部分的中介效果,意味著透過「網站服務品質→使用者滿意度→持續使用意向」此類擴張模式,能夠增加瞭解民眾對於該系統服務的使用滿意度及其持續使用意向,這對目前在探討電子化政府服務或資訊系統之持續使用意向研究議題來說,深具有相當重要性;第二,影響民眾對於線上申辦系統之使用滿意度的關鍵因素,依其影響程度高低分別為:「網站服務品質」、「科技特性」、以及「先前經驗」,其中「先前經驗」對於「使用者滿意度」之間的影響關係乃是值得後續研究做進一步擴張模式的概念。最後,本研究模型與資料分析結果,於學術研究上可供後續相關議題研究進行更具廣泛性的模型推導與探討;於實務意涵上,可供電子化政府精進線上申辦系統實施效益之參考,並提出後續研究建議以供未來有志研究持續意向議題者可以努力的方向。 【Background and questions】With the maturity and propagation of Internet technology applications, it has been developed trend for many e-governments to promote various e-services such as online application services, but in the booming stock trend of e-services, there are still many people no longer continue to use them after experienced. Therefore, engaging and retaining citizens in using e-government Web sites for continued usage is a challenge being faced by most government agencies providing online public services. Furthermore, User’s intention to continue using the ICT services or information systems is considered a major determinant of its success because initial use of the ICT services or information systems is the first step toward realizing its success. One can conclude that an eventual ICT services or information systems success depends on its continued use or “continuance” after initial use (acceptance). Hence, understanding the factors influencing the user’s intention to continue using the e-services provided by e-government is a critical issue for public practitioners. Accordingly, the main research questions of this research are two. Firstly, what are the key factors influencing continued use the e-services after people complete online application services? Secondly, what are the key factors influencing user satisfaction toward online application system among these factors? 【Model viewpoints and methods】In the past relate e-government services or information systems continued intention to researches, mostly focused on new variables of constructs to extend the related researches based on the post-adopt model of IS continuance, however ignored the viewpoints integrated other theories or models to explain generally the user’s continued usage intention. Therefore, this research is making use of the post-adopt model of IS continuance as a construction the foundation of this model, combined with the key concepts of the technology acceptance model, the extended expectation confirmation model, and the web service quality model as a construction the viewpoints of this model. From user’s perspective, according to the characteristics of information technology and the attributes of online website, to construct a set of the integrated model of user-oriented continued usage intention. In research methods, this research adopts a questionnaire survey which carry on users of Taoyuan county integrated online application system and Taipei e-services online as this research object, and make use of statistics software package SPSS to analyze the questionnaire data. 【Findings and implications】The regression analysis and path analysis techniques were employed to test the research hypotheses. The results indicated that, firstly the key factors affecting continued usage intention were “user satisfaction”, which had the effect of partial mediation, “web service quality”, and “technology characteristics”. Secondly, the key factors affecting user satisfaction were “web service quality”, “technology characteristics”, and “prior experience”, which relationship between the impacts of user satisfaction relationship was worthy to further research expands the concept of that model. In conclusion, the results of this empirical research can guide us to devote limited resources to discussions, managerial implications, and future research suggestions are also provided. |