台灣自從1987 年解嚴之後,隨之而來的是政黨的開放,使人民選舉權的擴大,政黨在政治體系中所扮演的關鍵角色,也越來越受到重視。換言之,民眾對政黨的信任與否,將是學界及實務界必須探討的一個議題。
本文具體的研究問題為:(1) 台灣民眾十年來 (2001 年到2011年)政黨信任的分布狀況為何?(2) 影響台灣民眾政黨信任的因素為何?(3) 政黨信任所產生的政治後果為何?此處的政治後果特別意指投票參與、對民主的滿意程度。並以「台灣政黨體系的制度化:大眾政治態度面向的探討」國科會計畫所進行之電話訪問資料,為本研究之資料來源。
研究結果發現,台灣民眾政黨信任相當低落。政黨信任的來源可以用「終生學習模型」來解釋。至於民眾的政黨信任則對投票參與、民主滿意度皆有其正面的助益。 Since 1987, after the lifting of the martial law in Taiwan, followed by the opening party, so that the expansion of people’s right to vote, political parties in the political system played a key role in more and more attention. In other words, whether or not the public trust in political parties, academics and practitioners will be one of the topics to be discussed.
This study is intended to explore the following research questions as: (1) What is the distribution of party trust in Taiwan? (2) What are the origins of party trust? (3) What are the political consequences of party trust? The data come from the “Institutionalization of Party System in Taiwan: An Analysis on the Mass Political Attitudes.”
This study reveals that the party trust in Taiwan is not in the high level. The origins of party trust can use lifetime learning model to explanation. And the political consequences of party trust is include the vote and satisfaction with democracy.