摘要: | 近年來,全球環境保護主義抬頭,環保意識高漲,綠色產品已成為現今市場需求的主流。台灣企業商品的開發從研發設計、生產製造、市場行銷與產品的銷售需往前延伸到原物料供應來源,往後延伸到產品使用後的報廢回收管理機制,都與現今綠色環保息息相關。 因此,目前市場上的各種產品 (小到家庭日常用品,大到企業生產設備等) 皆著重以行銷綠色產品為促銷利碁,例如:變頻節能電器產品、油電混合車、太陽能產品、LED燈具產品等,我們都可以在現今的市場上看到。現在台灣的中小企業為了生存,也須建構一個完整的綠色供應鏈 (Green Supply Chain Management, GSCM),對於整個前端的原物料供應到後端的顧客使用與回收進行一連串有效的管理,除了滿足客戶需求外,也能為地球盡一份心力。 本研究以台灣具有競爭優勢及發展潛力的工業電腦產業(Industrial PC, IPC) 為對象,建構一個考量綠色環保條件委外製造廠的評選模式。台灣工業電腦業界各重量級公司如:研華、研碩、威達電、凌華、新漢、安勤、振樺、廣積及艾訊等,每家公司也都著重於各種不同的產品線。如Panel PC、POS (收銀機系統)、博弈機、車用/船用電腦等各種不同的市場。 本硏究所探討的評選模式,透過相關文獻回顧彙整出IPC產業委外廠商評選的各種指標,並納入了綠色環保的相關概念,藉由專家訪談方式來進行指標的評比,再以層級分析法 (Analytic Hierarchy Process. AHP) 做為分析與計算評估準則相對權重的工具。最後,以實證研究方式與IPC產業界的案例a公司進行比較,以驗證本研究與目前IPC產業需求是否相符,並將此一研究推廣到其他工業電腦製造商,做為一套客觀的委外製造廠商綠色評選參考依據。提高IPC產業在相關決策過程時間與決策的品質,也可以使企業對於全球環境保護上能盡一份心力。 Environmental protection and green earth have been emphasized along with the over exploitation of resources and pollution during the past decade, and eco-friendly products have turned into one of the top demand priorities in the market. In Taiwan green compliance has become a must for most of the products in their life spans starting not only from the initial design, material selection and procurement, manufacturing and after-use recycling for physical products, but also marketing, product positioning and promotion. Everything has to be done based on the consideration of "Green". All kinds of products ranging from the family appliances to industrial equipments featuring environmental protection and energy saving can be found in the market for instance. Most of the Taiwan enterprises are dedicating with firm commitments to build their own green systems, GSCM - Green Supply Chain Management, covering end to end from the raw material to the after-use recycling. With such a positive practice in favor of the environment, enterprises can secure their competitiveness and win customer''s satisfaction. This study is about building an evaluation and selection system for CM (Contracted Manufacturers) in terms of green compliance with reference to major IPC (Industrial PC) companies. IPC companies in Taiwan include Advantech, Advansus, IEI, ADLINK, NEXCOM, Avalue, POSIFLEX, iBASE and AXIOMTEK who respectively have their own product territories such as panel PC, POS, gaming machine, vehicle and ship electronic devices. Based on the standards and actual practices sorted from the related literatures about the CM evaluation and selection in IPC industry, green concepts and requirements, and the information collected from the interviews with the industry professionals, the evaluation and selection system for CM in this study will come up with a result and relative weights after the analysis and calculation by using AHP - Analytic Hierarchy Process. Furthermore, the evaluation and selection system would be introduced to other IPC manufacturers as a method to enhance the quality of decisions. Finally, a comparison between the system in this study and actual case from a company will be specified to further confirm this evaluation and selection system would meet the general needs in the IPC industry. |