在世界能源短缺、地球環境污染日益嚴重的現今,全球消費者的生態意識與綠色消費的觀念日益高漲。接受到更多環保知識的民眾,也將綠色概念付諸於日常消費模式當中。供需原則促使下,有更多廠商加入分食這塊有機、環保的大餅。廠商、企業一方面可以獲得利益,另一方面又可以提高或是逆轉企業形象。而在全球化的背景下,要如何擬定綠色行銷策略為一關鍵因素。因此本研究將以計畫行為理論為架構分析跨文化族群購買綠色產品之因素-以清潔用品為例,並比較其差異。本研究以曾購買過綠色清潔用品之歐美及台灣消費者為研究對象,對於研究對象進行人員紙本發放或網路問卷的施測。並且使用SPSS12.0版以及LISREL8.7版作為資料分析的工具。 經由結構方程模式驗證研究假說,得知以下結論: 一、態度、知覺行為控制對於台灣消費者及歐美消費者皆具有影響。 二、台灣及歐美曾購買綠色清潔用品的消費者受計畫行為理論構面影響之差異在於:歐美消費者並不受主觀規範影響其購買綠色清潔產品的行為。 三、歐美消費者較台灣消費者曾購買過綠色清潔產品的比例較高,但比例差異不大。 四、兩文化中曾購買過綠色清潔用品的消費者皆對於網路資訊的接收度比例最高,對於電視購物頻道接收度最低。 Owing to the global energy shortage and the growing environmental pollution nowadays, the ecological consciousness and the concept of green consumption around the world are rising. People who have received more environmental knowledge have put it into their daily consuming action. Encouraged by the principle of supply and demand, more enterprises and manufacturers have joined this organic, as well as environmentally friendly market. They can not only benefit from it but improve or even reverse the corporate image. However, how to develop an efficient marketing strategy is the key to win the market in the context of globalization. Therefore, this research aims to investigate consuming behaviors on green cleaning products among populations from diverse cultural backgrounds. In this study, the American, European and Taiwanese consumers who had purchased green cleaning products or personal hygiene products are the main participants.
The research applied SPSS and LISREL to assess if the three dimensions in the theory of planned behavior could affect consuming behaviors, and compare the differences among cultures. There are four findings from this research: (1) Attitude and perceived behavioral control have an impact on Taiwanese, European and American consumers. (2) European and American consumers are not strongly affected by the subjective norm than Taiwanese. (3) European and American consumers have a higher proportion of buying green cleaning products than Taiwanese consumers, but the proportion is insignificant. (4) Among those test items, results show that all of the Taiwanese, European and American participants have the highest acceptance toward the Internet information and lowest acceptance toward home shopping channel.