高速鐵路在民國 96 年 1 月 15 日正式通車,使台北到高雄旅行時間縮短為 90 分鐘,西部走廊各主要都市,均可納入一日生活圈。高速鐵路將串聯台灣南北原有的台鐵系統以及各大都市的捷運系統與公路客運形成高速大眾運輸網路,貫徹「大眾運輸為主、私人運輸為輔」的目標,使城鄉區域發展更臻完善。 為了因應高鐵旅客轉乘之需,各站區除針對聯外道路系統加以改善外,政府並規劃軌道(包括鐵路及大眾捷運系統)及公路運輸之聨外交通系統。高鐵講求快速,聯外交通是否順暢、便捷,關係著旅客搭乘意願。高鐵通車至今站區現況:台北、板橋及高雄站已具備捷運、台鐵及公車之接駁;新竹、台中及台南站則有台鐵及公車之接駁;桃園站目前僅有公車接駁;另較特別的是嘉義站目前係以「公車捷運系統」(BRT)之方式來進行站區聯外之接駁。 交通運輸路網綿密且完整,民眾生活行動的機動性與可及性便增,且交通建設擔負著維繫著區域、城市及產業持續發展之重要功能。故如何檢視目前高鐵各站區聯外大眾運輸發展狀況,以及因應交通衍生污染與能源消耗議題,構建優質交通網絡與環境,為本研究重要工作。聯外運輸服務應配合準點可靠、密集便捷、舒適人本為目標,積極研擬以高鐵為主軸之公共運輸服務網發展策略,期望縮短西部運輸走廊各地方中心間之大眾運輸旅行時間,並落實「大眾運輸導向」(TOD)之都市發展型態。 High Speed Rail was formally opened on January 15, 2007, which has shortened the travel time from Taipei to Kaohsiung to 90 minutes. All major cities in western Taiwan are included in one-day living circle. The high speed rail will connect the high speed mass transportation network originally formed by north-south Taiwan Railway system, the MRT system in various major cities and bus transportation as well as drive the readjustment for various transportation systems to fulfill the goal of “Mass transportation as primary, private transportation as supplementary” allowing the urban-rural development as well as social resources employment be more complete. To correspond with demand of transit of passengers, in addition to improvement aiming at outward route system, the government also plans for the outer transportation system equipped with railway (including the train and MRT system) and highway transportation. High speed rail appeals for high speed while the outer route traffic smoothness and convenience actually affects the purchase intension of passengers. The current status of high speed rail development includes: there are already MRT, Taiwan Railway and shuttle bus available in Taipei, Banciao and Kaohsiung Stations; Taoyuand only has shuttle bus currently; especially that the Chiayi Station originally planned to adopt light rail transit to cooperate with the governmental policy for mass transportation, however, the “Bus Rapid Transit” (BRT) is alternatively taken to outer route transportation as considering the actual transportation demand of said Station at the beginning. The more the closely connected and complete transportation network, the higher flexible and feasible mobility is given to people. In addition, the transportation infrastructure bears the important function of continuous development in term of regions, cities and industries. Therefore, how to review the development of outer route transportation in all HSR Stations and issues regarding response to global weather changes and traffic pollution and energy consumption derived as well as building quality traffic network and environments are important tasks of the study. The goals of outer route transportation services shall be on time and reliable, intensive and convenient as well as comfort and human base. The study actively plans the strategies for development of public transportation service network focusing on HSR to the expectation of shortening the traveling time among local centers in western transportation corridor and carry out the “Transit Oriented Development” (TOD) development.