本計畫旨在探究實習生的科技融入教學能力(簡稱科技能力)在教育實習階段的專 業發展以及影響因素,並且檢視「影片導向省思」對於實習生科技能力與省思能力的影 響。為了解「影片導向省思」對於實習生科技能力與態度成長的影響,本計畫採用不等 組前後測準實驗設計,將研究對象也就是修讀教育實習課程的實習生,分為實驗組與對 照組,實驗組實施「影片導向省思」,對照組則沒有,此外本計畫也安排全體實習生在 實習開始與結束時接受科技能力與態度問卷調查。另方面,本計畫也採用問卷調查法, 在實習結束時,請實習生填寫問卷,以便廣泛地蒐集影響實習生科技能力發展的因素, 進而萃取出主要的影響因素。而為進一步了解前述因素是如何促進或是阻礙實習生的科 技能力發展,因此將根據問卷調查結果,邀請科技能力成長較佳與較差的實習生接受後 續的個別訪談。此外為了解實習生的省思層次,本計畫採用內容分析法,蒐集實習生期 末試教的教學省思報告,分別評定等級,然後比較實驗組與對照組的差異情形。最後, 為了解「影片導向省思」在教育實習課程的實施成效,本計畫乃針對實習生採用焦點訪 談,而針對實習指導教師則採用個別訪談方式,以蒐集相關資料。 The purpose of this study is to investigate the development of student teachers’ technology competencies as well as factors affecting its development during the period of teaching practicum. This study also examines the effects of video-based reflection on student teachers’ technology competencies and reflective abilities. To understand the effects of video-based reflection, this study adopts a pre-post test, quasi-experimental design and divides the student teachers into two groups, namely, the experimental group and the control group. The experimental group receives the treatment of video-based reflection, while the control group does not. This study also delivers a questionnaire on technology competencies and attitudes to all the student teachers before and after the teaching practicum. At the end of the teaching practicum, this study delivers another questionnaire on factors affecting the development of student teachers’ technology competencies. This study further gives an in-depth interview to those student teachers with higher and lower technology competencies based on the results of the questionnaire. To understand the student teacher’s reflective abilities, this study collects their reflection reports on their final teaching demonstrations, uses the method of content analysis to evaluate their quality, and compares the differences between the experimental group and the control group. Finally, this study arranges a focus group interview to the experimental group and an in-depth interview to their supervisors so as to understand the effects of implementing video-based reflection in the course of teaching practicum.