本文旨在從工業化的程度來確認日治台灣工業發展的境界及評估台灣總督府的工業政策的績效。工業化程度的衡量是採用Chenery(1960)所建議的二種方法;其一為Hoffman指數-消費財產業與資本財產業兩者產值的比例值-,而另一是產值比重-製造業占全國國內生產毛額的比重。本文發現,日治期臺灣工業發展的績效並不顯著,因Hoffman指數數值顯示,資本財產值不但從來就沒有超過消費財產業產值,且差距頗巨;而產值比重數值顯示,製造業不是日治台灣整體經濟的一個比較重要的部門。此外,經由日治台灣工業化程度與二次世界戰後的對比分析,本文認為,日治台灣的經濟應是處於停滯且不具備自力支撐成長潛力的狀態,尚未邁入Rostow(1959)所謂的經濟發展起飛的階段。 This paper attempts to assess the performance of Taiwan industry development during Japan ruling period by means of examining the achievement of industrialization. Two measurements proposed by Chenery (1960) are employed, including Hoffmann index and the share of manufacturing sector in gross domestic product. It is uncovered that the performance of industrial development in Taiwan is not significant throughout the Japanese colonial era since Hoffmann index demonstrates that total production of capital industry is much smaller than that produced by its consumer counterpart, and the share of manufacturing sector in gross domestic product illustrates further that the manufacturing is absolutely not a vital sector of Taiwan economy. Besides, this paper verifies via a comparative analysis that Taiwan economy during the Japanese colonial era never reached the stage of take-off toward self-sustained growth, defined by Rostow (1959).