在此研究計畫中,我們檢驗台灣不同區域之工作機會創造與工作機會破壞是否呈 現磁滯性之現象,並藉此討論總體政策是否對台灣不同區域之勞動市場需求面造 成永久性的影響。其次,我們以台灣不同區域之觀點探討工作機會創造、工作機 會破壞與失業率之動態關聯性,是故我們將其相關變數建立一馬可夫誤差修正模 型,研究結果將對就業相配理論與就業政策之擬定具有實質貢獻。 In this Project, we examine job creation and destruction (JC&D) processes in different region of Taiwan are consistent with the hysteresis hypothesis that the movements in unemployment across regions would exhibit long-term persistence and to examine whether the stabilization policy has permanent effects in all four regions in Taiwan. Furthermore, we also investigate the dynamic adjustment of JC&D and its connection with the unemployment over the business cycle by employing a multivariate Markov-switching vector error correction model (MS-VECM). The research outcomes have important theoretical and policymaking implications.