數位情境問題解決模擬遊戲之設計發展與實證研究 數位模擬遊戲除了單純為娛樂用之外,亦可融入課程提供學生練習的機會。研究顯示,以遊戲的方式進行教學,除了能讓教學更有趣外,也能增加學習者的學習興趣,學生對於透過玩遊戲的方式來進行學習活動持肯定的態度(林子誠、曾世綺,2006;楊景盛、林素華,2006;鄭名惠、趙貞怡,2006;簡佑宏,2002;Laff,2007)。由於情境模擬遊戲在教育的應用日益受到肯定,模擬,可以提供學習者將所學知識概念靈活運用在新的情境,並訓練學生解題的能力;而遊戲,則能提升學習者學習的動機(鍾樹椽,2002)。故本研究嘗試應用數位遊戲式情境模擬策略於大學商店經營管理的問題解決學習任務上,以提升學生學習成效;並透過設計本位研究方式(Design Based Research, DBR)來進行設計、發展經營管理數位模擬情境數位遊戲,且選用企業經營管理這一學科內容做為本研究設計發展數位遊戲式模擬教材之依據;並為了解大學生使用數位遊戲式模擬教材在問題解決學習任務之成效,以及了解學生使用數位遊戲式模擬教材的感受,將於數位遊戲發展之後,進行課程教學實施,以茲了解學生之真正學習成效;及本研究所發展情境模擬設計原則應用之適宜度。希冀本研究結果除可做為後續研究規劃之參考,亦可成為數位遊戲式模擬教材設計之參考。 The Design and Development for Digital Situated Simulation Instructional Game for Problem-Solving Tasks In addition to the entertainment use, the digital simulation games may also be integrated into the curriculum purely to provide the opportunity of practices for students. Recently, the application of games on education receives the affirmation. Therefore, in order to promote students’ learning effectiveness to solve the problems of the learning tasks, this research attempts to apply the digital game-based simulation courseware to the study of university operation management. This study will adopt the Design Based Research (DBR) approach to develop the digital simulation instructional game. After integrated the simulation instruction digital game into the curriculum, we attempt to achieve the purposes: to understand the students’ learning effectiveness and attitude towards the digital simulation instructional game. These results can provide references for the following researches, as well as for the design of the sort of digital game-based simulation courseware.