計畫名稱:文學地誌學:倫敦的空間想像 法國學者勒斐勃(Henri Lefebvre)於其著作《空間的生產》(The Production of Space) 中,提出「空間性的三邊辯證關係」(the trialectics of spatiality)的理論,用來討論空間的 呈現所必然牽涉的三個元素:歷史性(historicality)、社會性(sociality)和空間性(spatiality)。 勒斐勃認為現代城市的空間論述必須揉合歷史書寫和人倫關係的向度,才能成就一 則具辯證複雜度的詮釋。邇近學者索杰(Edward W. Soja)重新解讀勒斐勃,在「第一類空 間」(Firstspace)(物質世界)和「第二類空間」(Secondspace)(想像世界)的傳統二元 思維之外,特別凸顯「異化的第三類空間」(thirding-as-Othering)的觀念,肯定意義的建 構過程中有一位「永遠的他者」(勒氏所稱 “Il y a toujours l’Autre”)。這位「永遠的他者」 便是空間性,是地理被賦予的地誌學意識。索杰稱許勒斐勃對開放性意義結構(openness) 的執著,視語言的表意功能恆為動態,牽扯歷史、社會和空間三邊不均衡的權力互動。 本計畫嘗試以勒斐勃的「空間性的三邊辯證關係」做為閱讀策略,強調空間辯證的 政治性,用來檢視英國文學中較為顯著的「倫敦空間文本」。本計畫將分為三年,依年 代順序,分別討論與倫敦的實體空間經驗密切相關的三個課題:十六世紀末至十七世紀 初的倫敦劇場,布雷克的倫敦「視界」(vision)和艾略特(T. S. Eliot)的倫敦「都市叢林」。 三個課題的研究主旨皆在於例示「異化的第三類空間」,尋找寫實/歷史和虛構/文本之間 的倫敦的空間性。 The objective of this three-year project is to apply Henri Lefebvre’s notion of “the trialectics of spatiality” and Edward W. Soja’s correlative notion of “Thirdspace” to my readings of London as urban space in city comedies, William Blake’s poems, and T. S. Eliot’s The Waste Land. Since the 1960s, Lefebevre has exerted a profound impact on studies in human geography and, by extension, on cultural studies of urban space as open discourse. Soja expands on Lefebvre by focusing on “Thirdspace,” which builds upon Lefebvre’s insistence on urban topography as involving a cultural engineering that has traditionally privileged the binary pair of the material world and imagination. By adopting Soja’s notion of “thirding-as-Othering,” the three sub-projects will be able to implement an integrative epistemological critique of the representations of London in plays by Ben Jonson and Thomas Middleton, poems by William Blake, and The Waste Land by T. S. Eliot. These texts offer fine examples of their authors’ London imaginaries as inhabiting a hermeneutic in-between space characterized by linguistic and cultural dynamics.