電視內容分級制度提供觀眾節目是否適合兒童或成人的資訊。許多國家都有自己的電視分級制度,每個國家的分級可能會因當地的優先事項而不同。我國自88年公布「電視節目分級處理辦法」,其後雖歷經數次小幅修正,惟並未就整體制度全面檢視調整。然近幾年因數位科技快速發展,傳播環境急遽變遷,節目內容與傳輸方式、通路均益趨多元且多樣化,觀眾選擇或接取途徑模式多所變化,加上現行電視節目之類別界線日益模糊,層出不窮的特殊內容情節,潛藏著對兒童身心發展有負面影響的內容,分級制度在政策面或法律面都到了需再加以檢視的時候。 本研究將以實證研究瞭解我國觀眾(含兒少)及業者對現行分級制度的看法、家長實際配合兒童觀看的情形、電視業者對修正分級處理辦法之建議,以瞭解是否尚有其他重大待修正之問題,並配合各國其他分級實施之政策及作法,找尋對我國情最適切可行之修正,研議具體可行之分級制度相關措施的調整規劃,以及「電視節目分級處理辦法」之法制修正內容建議。 Television classification system is meant to provide audiences information about TV programs. Problems were being found gradually after since the system was been set in 1999. The study tries to understand how families utilize the system to make TV program choices, and what are the problems faced by audiences and TV program providers who are responsible to classify programs according to the system. Based on the above understanding, the study tries to give suggestions about how to mend the system so as to fit the changing society especially considering the effect of media convergence.