以服務為導向是目前企業經營的主流,服務行銷主要在行銷企業的品牌。服務業者可以透過品牌 名稱、標誌、口號等來加強消費者對企業的認識,以及對服務理念的了解,和競爭品牌產生差異化。 唯有良好的服務才能加強企業的品牌力,因為服務的績效才是服務業的重心,透過一流的服務能提升 企業聲譽和品牌形象。本計劃主旨在以六標準差管理用於良御國際股份有限公司之服務行銷。汽車已 是現代人不可或缺的交通工具,汽車的維修及保養也是相當重要的課題,良御公司代理歐洲大廠的汽 車用化工產品,其行銷手法的改善及創新是此計劃要執行的內容。 本研究係應用六標準差之DMAIC 改善流程,及定義(Define)、測量(Measure)、分析(Analyze)、 改善(Improve)、控制(Control),並經由定義評估服務行銷與需求、評估與掌握績效現況、分析影響 行銷因素、改善行銷方案、以及控制顧客滿意度或服務品質等。依此循環作為改善或創新目前良御公 司的行銷手法,以達提高營運績效指標,希望藉此個案公司能夠驗證應用六標準差的DMAIC 管理歷程 能否提升企業營運績效,並利用本產學合作計劃能夠提供良御公司用於服務行銷的改良對策,作為公 司往後擬定服務行銷策略之參考。 The service marketing oriented management in the business is the customer oriented process, and the main focus is the brand marketing, which can strengthen the concept of service, the brand knowledge for the customer, and even the competition of making brand difference. The satisfactory service can result in the the effect on the performance, corporate image and reputation. In this project, six sigma management approach will applied to the service marketing for the scope of the improvement of marketing and innovation related to relevant automobile products in the company. In this research, the approach of DMAIC (define, measure, analyze, improve, control) can be used. The requirement and the demand of service marketing will be defined. The relevant performance will be measured. The key causes which affect the service marketing can be analyzed. The improvement and control actions of service marketing can be further recommended and implemented.