本研究整合社會臨場戚與網路人際關係、之觀點探討虛擬社群。研究中以網路問卷取得資料,前測以Yahoo 奇摩家族、Facebook 社團與ppt實業坊為研究對象,以初步了解因素結構,而正式研究中考量客觀性問題,選定以「遊戲基地
Gamebase」為研究對象,並由Amos 以結構方程模式(SEM)進行資料分析,共計有效樣本數509 位。
經分析後,台灣虛擬社群使用者集中於19-28 歲,其使用動機包含「獲取資訊」與「人際互動J '網路人際關係因素為「信任感」與「對等性」而社會臨場感因素為「有效達意」與「建立關係」,研究發現不同的使用動機會重視不同的社會臨場感因素,而「對等性」是成員問「建立關係」之基礎,另唯有「建立關係」的成員才具有忠誠性,研究中亦作出社群類型的分類討論與後續研究建議。 Most research in virtual community is focusing on knowledge sharing and the trust between members. Moreover, the research also suggest that social presence is benefit virtual community, so we want to integrated social presence and online social network to survey virtual community .
In pretest, Data collected from Yahoo, Facebook, ptt by online survey in order to confirm factor structure first, and data collected from Gamebase in formal study. In total, there are 507 samples in research, All data were used in structure equation modeling (SEM) and make multiple teams comparison.
The results show the most virtual community member in Taiwan is 19 to 20 years old, the factor of Using motive include finding information and interpersonal interconnectivity, the factor of Online social network include interpersonal trust and reciprocity, and the factor of Social presence include effective communication and establish relationship. The research find that the different Using motive factor is influence different Social presence factor, the reciprocity is the base of establish relationship, and establish relationship can positive influence Member loyalty, multiple teams comparison and suggestion on following research of my study are discussed.