摘要: | 紡織工業染整廢水的高色度(Color)、高化學需氧量(COD)、變動率高的pH值、高溫度及高懸浮固體濃度造成嚴重的環境生態問題。分散性染料更會添入界面活性劑來增加其溶解度,使分散性染料廢水中的化學成份與結構更加複雜,而增加其處理的困難度。以傳統的物理、化學及生物方法處理,通常耗時、成本高、且容易造成二次汙染和處理效率不如預期等問題,本研究因此考慮探討以電化學技術處理分散性染料廢水。 過去許多電化學混凝法對染整廢水的去除皆是以水溶性較高的染料,例如反應性染料、酸性染料...等。本研究嘗試以電化學混凝法,比較鐵板與鋁板為陽極處理分散性染料廢水的色度與COD去除效率、濁度優劣並探討其操作參數與去除機制。 在本研究將鐵板與鋁板為犧牲陽極比較下,來進行直接電化學混凝法產生鹽類與膠羽來對有機分散性染料DR-60、DB-79去除之研究歸納如下: 1. 有機分散性染料的顆粒難溶於水並且分散在溶液之中,極容易黏附在容器壁及容器底部使得濃度會因為靜置一段時間稍微下降。 2. 電壓是決定有機分散性染料去除率最重要的操作條件。 3. 鐵板以1g5V需要反應10min色度去除率就可達到90%以上;而鋁板在1g5V、5min即可以達到99%以上的色度去除率。 4. 使用鐵、鋁板為陽極在相同的電壓、電解質濃度比較,不論是色度去除、化學需氧量去除、濁度去除、反應時間甚至是去除穩定性及電能消耗上,皆是鋁板優於鐵板。 5. 以鐵板為陽極處理對有機分散性染料DR-60比DB-79去除效率還要 高,但以鋁板來說對兩者的去除率沒有太明顯的差別。 Textile wastewaters are known to exhibit various pH, hot temperature, high biological and chemical(COD) oxygen demands and high concentrations of suspended solids. Disperse dyes will be inserted in the surfactant to increase its solubility, the dispersion of wastewater in the chemical composition and structure of more complex, and increase its handling difficult. The traditional physical, chemical and biological means, and often time-consuming, costly, and likely to cause secondary pollution and efficiency problems as expected, this study, therefore, consider the technical treatment of the electrochemical dispersion of dye wastewater.
Over the past number of electrochemical coagulation removal of dyeing wastewater are based on high water-soluble dyes, such as reactive dyes, acid dyes ...et al. this study attempts to electrochemical coagulation, iron and aluminum as the anode compared dispersion of dye wastewater treatment and the cod removal efficiency of color, turbidity and to explore its advantages and disadvantages of operating parameters and removal mechanism.
In this study, iron and aluminum as the sacrificial anode comparison, the direct electrochemical coagulation to produce salts and organic floc to disperse dyes DR-60, DB-79 to remove the study are summarized as follows: 1. Organic disperse dyes insoluble in water and dispersed into the solution very easily adhere to the container wall and bottom of the container makes the concentration decreased slightly because of standing for some time. 2. The voltage is to determine the removal efficiency of organic dye dispersed the most important operating conditions. 3. Responsive to the needs iron to 1g5v 10min color removal rate can reach 90%; and aluminum in the 1g5v, 5min that can reach 99% color removal. 4. To use of iron, aluminum, at the same voltage as the anode, electrolyte concentration comparison, whether it is color removal, cod removal, turbidity removal, reaction time and even remove the stability and power consumption on are all better than the monolithic aluminum. 5. To iron as the anode on the organic disperse dyes DR-60 removal efficiency than the DB-79 is even higher, but the removal rate of aluminum is not too much of the two significant differences. |