近年來隨著科技的進步與人口的成長,不管是生活上的用水,還是工業上的用水都有日漸增加的趨勢。因為水隨處可見,並且經常被人們使用,再加上農業休耕與地下水超抽得到足夠的水量,很容易忽略台灣是一個缺水的國家,而不會去節約用水。然而一旦沒有了水,人民的生活將苦不堪言。為了使人民的生活水準提高,並且不再擔心無水可用,此研究將以水資源規劃來解決缺水問題。 本研究藉由LINGO軟體將設計出來的限制式最佳化,考慮到的要素有很多,包括海水淡化廠、新生水廠、雨水回收供水系統、自來水管線汰舊換新、水庫泥砂清淤、地下水、颱風以及農業休耕等,並求出最小成本以減輕政府的負擔。 In recent years, with the advance in technology and population growth, we use more water in our daily life and in industry. We can see and use water everywhere. We get enough water by lying fallow and pumping groundwater, so we may forget that Taiwan has water shortage. People seldom save the water. Without water, the lives of people will be miserable. In order to improve people’s living standards and no longer worry about the water shortage, we do research in water resource and try to solve the problem of water shortage. We use the software, LINGO, to optimize the restricted equation which designed by us. There are many factors taken into account. It contains the desalination plant, new water plant, rainwater recycling system, replacing old water pipes, dredging of sediment, groundwater, typhoon, and lying fallow. We try to find the minimum cost in order to reduce the burden on the Government.