本文提出一種影像式量測方法,用以量測傾斜面上目標物之定位資訊,包含目標物之距離、傾斜角度、以及目標物體之垂直高度。作法上係利用一台數位攝影機,以目標物於不同攝影距離下之像素值,推導出位於傾斜面上目標物之距離、傾斜角度、以及目標物垂直高度關係式,完成目標物體之三維空間定位,並且將此方法使用Altera DE2-70硬體平台,以軟硬體協同設計方法實現於SOPC。最後,本文再以實際的量測定位實驗,驗證所提出之量測方法的準確性及實用性。 This paper presents an image-based system for measuring target objects on an oblique plane based on pixel variation of CCD images by referencing to two arbitrarily designated points in image frames. Based on an established relationship between the displacement of the camera movement along the photographing direction and the difference in pixel counts between reference points in the images, object verticel height distance and photographing distance between the camera and an object on the target plane can be calculated via the proposed method. Because of the advantages demonstrated in measuring target objects on the oblique plane, the proposed approach is capable of acquiring 3-dimensional localization, imformation of the objects.To be practical for use in various applications, we also present a hardware/software (HW/SW) co-design approach using SOPC technique to realize the proposed image-based 3-dimensional localization method.