行動設備的普及為人們帶來許多的便利,同時也讓空中充滿了更多的信號與雜訊。當雜訊的能量大過於信號的能量時,會使我們的設備受到干擾而無法獲取正確的信號。 本論文主要是以手機所產生的雜訊輻射來加以探討,為了讓這些雜訊不至於干擾到其他的產品;我們利用調整放大器輸出阻抗的特性,減少傳導雜訊輻射的能量,或是使用近場量測的方式,藉由吸波材或是增強接地的方式,來降低雜訊的能量並找尋雜訊的來源。 這些經驗可以就日後開發產品時,先行考量到這些方向並加以預防,加快產品設計之時間進而降低開發之成本。 The popularity of mobile devices has not only made people’s lives more convenient but also caused more signals and interferences crowded in the air. When the energy of undesired signals is stronger than that of desired signals, the mobile device experiences interference and can not function properly. In this thesis, we study the effects of radiated spurious emission (RSE) on mobile devices. To mitigate the interference resulted from RSE on mobile devices, we first adjust the output impedance of power amplifiers to reduce the conducted spurious emission power. Besides, we use the near field prober to find the noise source and employ absorber or reinforced grounding to alleviate the power of spurious emission. Our experimental results show the proposed method can effectively locate the source and reduce the power of RSE.