本文研究含界面裂紋之雙層壓電複合層板受平面動力負載之暫態響應,解析一含有限長可滲透性裂紋之雙層複合壓電材料,於裂紋面承受平面正向應力與平面剪應力動力負載之暫態問題。本文使用拉普拉斯轉換、傅立葉轉換、奇異積分方程、Jacobi 多項式重新解析Gu et al.(2002)已求解過的問題。本文求得的應力強度因子解析解與Gu et al.(2002)所獲得的結果並不相同,且數值計算結果有很大的差異。本文計算時域中之應力強度因子,乃採用Durbin 之數值拉普拉斯逆轉換法,所獲得的暫態圖形比Gu et al. (2002)的結果更能看出各個反射波與繞射波的到達現象。 In this study, transient response of an interface crack between two piezoelectric layers is investigated. The composite is subjected to uniformly in-plane mechanical impacts under permeable boundary conditions. The integral transform, Cauchy singular integral equation methods, and Jacobi polynomials expansions are applied to obtain the solutions in the Laplace transform domain. Durbin’s method is used to carry out the numerical inversion of Laplace transform. The accuracy of numerical results is examined and the applicable numerical parameters are suggested by the experience of calculation. Finally, the numerical results are evaluated and discussed in detail.