由於目前公司對於人員之控管缺乏精確性與即時性,導致在許多事物的傳達及管控無法有效率的執行;而對於此問題,大多數的解決辦法即採隨機抽查方式,以確定職員身處適當的工作區域。人員管控實至關重要,除安全與工作效率之考量外,尤以研發部門之門禁為最關鍵。 有鑑於此,本研究改善目前公司對於各部門人員控管的便利性,利用無線射頻辨識(Radio Frequency Identification,RFID)技術結合雲端技術來即時且有效率的了解到員工所在的區域,並結合了考勤系統,達到多方面的經濟效益。 RFID技術應用在定位及考勤系統的延伸應用,亦可結合預警或急難救災系統,在緊急狀況發生的同時與事後,及時追蹤到每個人的動向,以作為緊急救援系統的基礎。 Owing to the lack of determinacy and immediacy in staff management, communications and regulations in a company can not be handled effectually. According to the problem stated, the typical solution is to check the location of every each employee randomly. By doing this, the company can make sure that its staffs are all in proper working places. The importance for staff management is not only for the safety and efficiency of working, but also for the protection of core research achievements for companies. In view of this, the study is focused on improving the convenience of staff management for all divisions in companies. RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) technology is combined with the Cloud technology to find out the exact locations of staffs immediately and smartly. The system is also integrated with a working attendance system, and multi-phase economic benefits are then realized. The integrated system can also be used as precaution schemes or disaster relief systems. The system may track every each individual in the work places right after emergency situation happened.