熱壓模造非球面玻璃鏡片具有高產值、低量產成本與易於製作小尺寸鏡片等優點,但也同時須面對模仁與玻璃在高溫成形時可能發生的嚴重沾粘問題。玻璃模造必須在高溫下以模具對玻璃進行壓製成形,而模仁在反覆的熱及應力循環中極易與玻璃表面產生化學反應而造成玻璃沾黏、表面材質/粗糙度劣化及磨耗,進而大幅縮減了模仁的使用壽命。本研究以不同之Pt/Ir硬膜設計來展延模造模仁使用壽命;並探討多種光學玻璃與模仁材料及膜層設計,在高溫狀況之界面化學反應。結果顯示玻璃組成元素、模仁材料、保護膜層設計、保護氣氛及溫度皆對玻璃/模仁之沾黏狀況有很大的影響;而網狀修飾劑含量較多的光學玻璃在高溫的狀態下,較容易與模仁材料之元素相互擴散進而產生激烈之界面化學反應導致沾黏。此外,本研究發展之Pt/Ir膜層設計確實可有效抑制光學玻璃之界面擴散以及削減沾黏現象,但當光學玻璃中存有易於其反應之BaO、F等網狀修飾劑也會使抗沾粘膜的效果較為下降,而沾黏狀況也取決於其與Pt、Ir元素的化學親和力。經模造結果發現,膜層結構設計對於抗沾黏的效果具有相當大之影響,其組成、厚度與層數搭配不同模仁與光學玻璃所展現出來的成效不盡相同。而藉由本研究結果可尋求出較佳化的抗沾黏膜層設計與配合以降低因擴散所引起的沾黏。 The glass molding process (GMP) is considered to have a great potential for the mass production of aspheric glass lenses to higher precision and at a lower cost. However, during the GMP mold surfaces have to expose to the chemically active glass and also be subjected to mechanical and thermal cyclic operations. This may result in some serious problems like mold surface covered by residual glass, deteriorated surface conditions and shortened mold service life. This research aimed to extend mold service life by various protective coating designs and to investigate the interfacial reaction between various optical glass, mold materials and protective coatings at elevated temperature. It is found that glass composition, mold material, molding temperature, coating design and protective atmosphere all have profound effect on the consequence of GMP. The results show that there are strong links between high proportion of certain network modifiers and high tendency of inter-diffusion and sticking problems. Besides, intermediate like F also played an important role in triggering the interaction between glasses and protective coatings. It is also found that mold coated with Pt/Ir films can effectively reduce the interfacial reaction and thereby minimizing the potential for sticking. The arrangements of the coatings have profound effect on their achievable results, thicker coating not necessary better, increasing the number of layers does not guarantee better performance.