本文探討迴路式虹吸熱管於靜磁場下的熱性能,熱管由蒸發端及冷凝端組成,其汽相流道內徑9mm、液相流道內徑6mm,管壁厚度各為1.5mm。蒸發器底部之工作流體吸收熱量後,進行相變化傳熱; 使蒸汽經由汽相流道到冷凝端,液相流道將冷凝後的液體帶至蒸發端完成循環,並由水冷方式帶走熱量。 磁場設置於冷凝端外,其尺寸為長60 mm x寬60 mm x高25 mm,強度為0.42特斯拉。
實驗測試條件為輸入功率100、120、140W及水冷為恆溫25℃,當系統達到穩態時,紀錄溫度並評估磁場對其性能之性能。結果顯示,磁場能使冷凝熱阻降低並有效增強迴路式虹吸熱管熱傳能力。 The purpose of this study is to invest the static magnetic field on a loop thermosyphon, consisting of an evaporation section and condensation section. The vapor flow passage and liquid flow passage are inner diameter with 9mm and 6mm, thickness of tube-wall is 1.5mm. A two-phase flow heat transfer happen for the vapor generate from cylindrical evaporator, then through the flow passage and condensation to reach a cycle process. The magnetic field set up at the condensation, which the magnet size is L60 mm x W60 mm x H25 mm, and the magnetic field strength is 0.42 Tesla.
Experiments were conducted under the condition of 25℃ cooling water, for heating powers of 100、120 and 140 watts. When the system reached the steady state, the temperature was recorded in order to evaluate the performance of the thermosyphon with or without magnetic field. The results show that the magnetic field can help decrease the condensation resistance and enhance the performance of loop thermosyphon directly.