無線感測器網路(Wireless Sensor Networks, WSNs)其技術可廣泛應用在許多領域中,尤其是環境監測。然而,由於部署無線感測器節點時的不平均,或有障礙物例如湖和山丘的存在,或感測器節點的電量耗盡與被外力破壞等因素,進而造成無線感測器網路中存在著空洞(Hole),而這些空洞會使無線感測器網路的效能降低。因此,如何找出這些空洞的位置,並利用這些空洞位置所獲得的資訊進行空洞修復,提升無線感測器網路之效能,是一個相當重要的研究議題。 本論文提出一個基於網格化之混合式無線感測器網路空洞修復機制。藉由網格式架構的方式,利用網格首節點廣播及代傳空洞偵測資訊,再由資料收集點加以計算空洞之位置等資訊,並利用虛擬引力決定具移動性感測器節點進行空動修復動作,以提高網路整體效能。經由模擬實驗證明本論文所提出之空洞修復機制可有效的維持網路的高覆蓋率,並可延長感測器網路之生存時間,以提升無線感測器網路之效能。 In wireless sensor networks, the nodes are typically empowered with scarce energy resource and limited computing power. The network can not get fully connectivity due to the randomly deploy static sensor nodes which may cause the hole problem. However, the network performance could be improved by the high coverage ratio because of saving the energy for transmitting. Hence, the hole problem is one of the important issues in wireless sensor networks. We proposed a hole recovering mechanism based on grid architecture with mobile sensor nodes. The virtual force theory is used for determining which mobile sensor node should recover the hole. The proposed mechanism could efficiently maintain high coverage ratio and prolong the entire network lifetime. The simulation results demonstrate that our mechanism indeed recover routing holes and prolong the network lifetime.